Sunday, November 2, 2008

Two weeks later...

Would you look at this. This is the same shot from my Stop and Pause post below but it's two weeks later and all the leaves are gone. How fast they come and go. Glad I took a moment to enjoy while the color was in full glory.

Today I got out for a 19 mile loop through North Andover, Boxford, Groveland and Haverhill. It felt great to be back out there, though I did feel a bit of pain after having been off my bike for a full two weeks. I was slower and couldn't really find my rhythm. The temp was in the 40s and chillier than I'm used to but I don't think I can really use that as an excuse. This week looks warmer so hopefully I'll be able to fit in a few lunchtime rides, get my fitness level back up, and get back in the groove.

1 comment:

claudia said...

I hope by now you've bought some warmer riding clothes.