Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My blog as a "word cloud"

I saw this on my friend John's blog and thought it was so cool.  Wordle is a free service that automatically creates "word clouds" from words in a list, a web page or a blog.  The words that are bigger are those that occur more frequently in the list or blog.

Here is a Wordle of my blog. 

 Check it out larger by clicking here.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The 2009 Training Season has Begun!

Okay, enough dilly dallying and lollygagging. It's finally bike season!

It can't come soon enough for me. This winter was long, cold, icy and pretty depressing at times.  But all that is behind us now and we finally have clear roads and the promise of sunny skies, warmer temps and flowering trees to look forward to.

I've been out four times this season so far - 10, 11, 20 and 32.5 miles respectively. The latter I did yesterday and I actually woke up at 4:30 a.m. with very sore leg muscles, from my ankles to my butt.  I think I may have been a little overly ambitious but that kind of sore is a good thing and I actually welcome the pain. It's time to shed that winter layer!

The plan for me this year is to ride at least 2000 miles (which is roughly 60 miles per week). I'm also committed to three organized rides this summer:
  1. Pan Mass Challenge (163 miles)
  2. Cycle for Shelter (100 miles)
  3. Seacoast Century (100 miles - a repeat of my first century from last year)
I've also decided I'm just going to focus on getting the miles in, whether that be in several little bursts (like lunchtime) or longer stretches on weekends.  I'm also not going to harp on my speed (or lack thereof).  I'm just going to get out there and ride.

So stay tuned!  More biking adventures to follow...