Wednesday, July 2, 2008

"She bikes, she blogs"

Well, here's an totally unexpected result of my new biking and blogging effort - media coverage! Granted, it's small town coverage, but still a welcome surprise given that I'm new to the whole biking and blogging thing. Out of the blue (or, more accurately, by the power of Google), the editor of a local paper saw my blog and had an interest in doing a story about my local rides and my use of blogging as part of my training.

The timing of his initial contact was pretty comical. I was up late one night blogging when my husband came in and questioned why I was up writing and not sleeping. I said jokingly that I couldn't disappoint 'my readers'. He replied, "Yeah, both of them." But you know, he was right! I only had two readers - and he wasn't even one of the two! The funny part was that the very next morning, Dave, the editor, posted a comment on my latest post asking to talk with me further about what I am doing. Needless to say, I had a very gratifying "So there!" conversation with my husband soon after. A few days later, Brendan, the reporter, contacted me and we set an interview time at a local meeting spot during one of my weekend rides.

Let me start by saying that it's a bit weird being interviewed and photographed in bike shorts and a bike helmet five miles into a 30 mile ride. It's really not a very flattering look, but it is the required uniform so I guess I didn't really have much of a choice. Plus, given that both biking and blogging are such new endeavors to me, I found it a bit funny to be interviewed about them - like I actually know what I'm talking about! (In fact, I'll admit I didn't really even know what a blog was until a few months ago, though I'm hoping that had more to do with being in a particular age group rather than any ignorance on my part.)

Nevertheless, Brendan and I had a nice conversation, then I hopped back on my bike and continued on my morning ride. Brendan rode on ahead in his car and stopped several times to take photos of me "in action," which was another weird experience, in a self-conscious, awkward sort of way. Unfortunately, traffic was a bit heavy that morning and it could have posed a safety hazard for Brendan, but thankfully, he emerged unscathed and finished his story a mere two days later.

Overall, I thought the article came out well and that I was portrayed in an accurate and positive way. I am also flattered that someone would think that my use of blogging as a personal training and motivational tool was creative and unique enough to actually write about. Who knew?

So thanks for your interest and efforts, Dave and Brendan! Their full story can be read by clicking here - She bikes, she blogs - in the Tritown Transcript, due to hit local newstands today, Wednesday, July 2.

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