I thought I'd start out the Fourth with a bang by attempting my first 50 mile ride. It seemed like a good idea at the time even though it was pouring rain - I mean heavy rain - when I woke up that morning. My logic was that if it was raining hard on century day, I better have had some practice riding in it before then. Also, I was under the mistaken impression that it was Saturday - not Friday - and I needed some significant miles to round out my training week, which I count from Sunday through Saturday. This week, I had only done the 17 on Sunday.

So off I set out, up to Newburyport and Plum Island. This particular route actually took me through seven different towns - North Andover, Boxford, Groveland, West Newbury, Newburyport (and Plum Island), Newbury and Georgetown.

Within the first four miles, my bike shoes were soaked through - so much so that my toes were literally sloshing in water with each stroke. Thankfully, the ride offered some initial diversions to keep my mind off the conditions.
But about 10 miles in, long after passing this Belted Galloway and Turtle Alley, the ride became very tedious. The scenery was getting a little blah, the rain was still pouring down on me, and visibility was becoming an issue with my biking glasses. About that time, too, I came to the sudden realization that it was actually Friday and not Saturday, so I really didn't have to ride all 50 in one day if I didn't want to. I could head home early and split the miles over both days. But before I could talk myself into bagging it, I remembered that little sign I saw a few weeks ago that said "Don't overthink it." So I stopped thinking about it and just kept riding. Saturday could always be a recovery day.
About 10 miles later, the rain began to stop and I was rewarded with some lovely views as I approached Newburyport. I biked down into town along the side streets and little shops. This is such pretty town with so much character.

I stopped on the boardwalk to check out the boats, then I headed out Plum Island Turnpike. Unlike last Friday's ride out on Plum Island, this time I actually made it to the beach. No one was there except the fisherman, since it was still cool and drizzly.

I took a more scenic and familiar route back home. The rain stopped for good, thankfully, and the water had finally drained from my bike shoes. I arrived home about 3 1/2 hours later after finishing my longest ride to date. I can't imagine doing double the distance in just a few short months, though I know it will be much easier with a crowd than riding solo as I did this day. I started the Fourth with a bang, that's for sure, but I ended it pretty pooped....
Lisa, I am SUPER IMPRESSED. I hate riding in the rain.
And, you totally can ride 100. Yes you can!
hey lisa!
just caught up on your blog and i laughed about so many things i *know* to be the same.
as someone that trains alone, i know what it's like to be passed by someone who seems not to be as fit as you. that is the magic of cycling, any body size/shape/fitness can do it. someday soon you are going to be the one who is passing everyone.
group rides are a blast and are so special to those of us who train alone. the group rides bring out your best and make the miles go by faster.
that same wierd guy is still walking the minuteman bikeway!! i have ridden that so many times and i saw him every time!!
welcome to my cycling life, the hills of NH.
the media spot in the local news was fabulous, congrats!!
keep up the great cycling/blogging and tell my blockhead brother to read it and see that a lot more than 2 people are reading it.
Hey - I have read it - I actually have to read the drafts before they are psoted!
Who do you think takes Ryan fishing so Lisa can bike!
I do
Who do you think cooks her dinner and puts the cats to bed when she falls asleep at 9:00?
I do
And my head is quite round like a marvelous bone!
Foerget the 50 miles - the big news of the day was Ryan and me catching 7 large mouth bass on stevies pond. The biggest at 6.2 lb's!
Where's the picture on the blog of the fish!
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