Sunday, June 1, 2008


P.A.C.E. - Positive Attitude Changes Everything. I'm stealing this acronym from my dad, who had his own consulting company by this name several years back. This acronym came to mind today as I focused on my riding goal of a steady pace but was struggling a bit in the attitude department. It's not that I had a bad attitude. It was more of a "I'm not sure if I can get through this ride because I was out way too late on Friday night " kind of attitude. And here it was Sunday.

My goal was only 30 miles - the same loop I did last Saturday but I wanted to improve my pace. And I'm happy to say I did.... but not by that much. Going out I was doing great - 17 mph average on the first 15. Then I started to slow a little and then came to the unfortunate realization that I only had coffee and nothing to eat before I headed out for my ride. Not good. File that under things I'm still learning. Bring enough water and eat before you go out. And don't forget P.A.C.E. - especially when facing a monster hill on an empty stomach after a very late night. :-)

1 comment:

claudia said...

Ouch! You might also want to start looking for a powerbar that you like and stash one in your jersey pocket for emergencies.

I'm a fan of Balance Bar Gold in Carmel Nut Blast.