Let's start with detours. Yesterday I planned what I thought would be a nice big loop to Newburyport and back on some country roads. I didn't realize until I was out there that one of the main roads I was planning on riding was closed. I guess I should have been tipped off by the "Road closed", "Bridge out" and "Road ends in 2 miles" signs. But I tend to be a bit skeptical at times and this was one of them. And I also thought that maybe the road could be closed to cars but open to bikes. But alas, I was wrong. The road did indeed end. In fact, the main bridge was out and the only way across would have been to swim across to the channel to the other side with my bike in tow. And even though I'm a strong swimmer and it was 90 degrees out, that wasn't gonna happen. So on to plan B, which was to find my way around without a map. Surprisingly, this proved to be quite a pleasant option, only adding a few extra miles and one major bonus - I didn't get lost! So I guess some detours really aren't all that bad.
Next unpleasant thing: Roadkill. Maybe it's the time of year but there is sure a lot of roadkill out there. I'm talking things you can't really see from a car. Baby chipmunks, bullfrogs, little turtles, small birds. It's a bummer to see - especially when you are as much of an animal lover as I am. I guess the only thing I can do is make sure I don't add to the mix. And maybe I shouldn't look down at the road so much...
I would have thought the same thing...and gone to the end of the road.
one of the great things about cycling is that it is a total sensory experience, the sights, smells, feeling of wind on your face, sounds, etc. i love the wafting smell of flowers, especially lilacs and honeysuckle. on RAGBRAI, an annual 500 mile ride across Iowa with 12000+ riders there is a team roadkill. they decorate every deceased oppossum, squirrel, chipmunk etc with beads, glitter, and tinsel, then stick a fork in. puts a whole new perspective on roadkill! i hope you see live animals too. many times i have noticed deer just inside the treelines at the side of the road.
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