- It's a bad idea to bike with an iPod, right? My gut has always said, "no way, don't do it" but I've had several people ask me what music I listen to when I ride or offer suggestions about books on tape. Now, the latter would solve a big time issue I have with finishing my book group books on time and is tempting. But I can't help but worry about the safety factor, even if I just listen with one pod in my ear. Also, I worry about the whole connection with nature thing I've been doing as I ride. iPod riding isn't in my current plan right now, but I'd like to hear what others think.
- Why is it that the last major hill on my rides is aptly named "Lisa Lane"? Don't you find that odd? I face it when I'm at the end of my energy level and it is very steep. But thankfully, like me, it's short. (Well, technically, I'm not short, I'm average...) I do have other options to get home (which all involve hills) but sometimes it seems only appropriate that I end my ride huffing up Lisa Lane.
- If I've biked over 235 miles in the last four weeks (which is 235 more miles than I rode the prior four weeks - or ever, for that matter), why haven't I lost weight? When does that start happening? I definitely feel stronger and toner but when are those extra 10 lbs going to start to melt away?
Those are the main questions I've had in my head this week...
1. Real bikies don't ipod, they meditate.
2. Only way to get better at hills is to ride them. Attacking at the end of ride will make you stronger.
3. Muscle is heavier than fat. Every body will go through a transformation over time. As your stamina increases it will take longer rides to burn calories to the point of weight loss. Stay with it and measure your total ride time or average speed each ride. For you regular routes you will know your are making progress if you can lower the time each week.
Have fun!
1. No one that I know who road bikes does so with an iPod. Your sense of hearing is very important to keep you safe from cars.
2. That hill sure has your name on it. Embrace the hill!
3. Each winter when I stop cycling so much, I actually LOSE weight but gain flab. YMMV.
Hi mom ,cool blog.I see you like writing about your biking adventures!!!!!
HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!
the ipod on the bike thing is very controversial. you will see people riding with them, but they are forbidden on every organized ride.
great to see you on the blog, ryan!!
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