Monday, September 1, 2008

Metaphor of Hill Climbing

Last week I rode the least number of miles since I bought my road bike in May - only one 17 mile ride. It was also the most stressful week that I've had in a long time. Coincidence? Had I biked more, would I have had a better week? I think I know the answer to that one.

Although I wasn't on my bike much last week, I did think about it a lot and came to the following realization (forgive me if this sounds cliche...):

Sometimes you need to approach life's challenges like you do a big hill: Switch to an easier gear, keep your head up, shoulders back, take a deep breath and focus on the next 10 feet in front of you. If you look all the way to the top, you just might want to get off your bike and walk or worse, give up and coast back down to the bottom. But if you just stay focused on dealing with what is immediately in front of you, you'll eventually get up to the top and be rewarded with an easy ride down the other side and, hopefully, a beautiful view.

1 comment:

rkbnp said...

hey lisa!
just caught up with your blog from the last few weeks. congrats on the blog and to you for all your accomplishments!
bike lessons are life lessons...
we *will* ride together this fall before we put our bikes away (or on the trainer) for the winter.