Sunday, September 28, 2008

8 Days Later...

Okay, I'm still here. I just haven't been blogging - or biking, for that matter. In fact, today was the first time I got out on my bike since I completed my first century 8 days ago.

I didn't mean to miss a whole week of riding but I was trapped in a conference room at work for 35 hours last week and then we had a few days of heavy rain. Today, though, I got back out there and did the 18 mile loop I used to do in the morning - but this time it was in the afternoon in light rain. It felt great to be back on my bike and I clocked one of my fastest times, surprisingly.

So...... what to do now.....

I know I'll keep riding as long as I can through the fall. I need it. I really need it. In fact, I felt a bit off my game all last week without riding. Morning rides are out - and have been for some time - since sunrise has gotten later and later. My only option now is to ride during lunchtime and hopefully get a longer ride in on Sundays, since Saturdays are soccer game days.

Later in the year I may even try out my friend Claudia's trainer to set up my bike at home for indoor training. Spin class is an option, too. I guess I'll just have to see how this one plays itself out.

As for my blog.... I've been debating what to do. The whole purpose of it initially was as a training tool to help me complete my first century. Since I've done that - and it was a great tool - do I now retire my blog? But I like to write. And I like to take pictures. And I like to have goals and keep track of my progress. And I like to think I have a fan base of greater than 2.

So I think I'll keep blogging. At least for now. And maybe I'll expand my topics beyond biking. I guess I'll just have to see how this one plays itself out.

In the meantime, though, I'm going to get my butt back out there on the road and mull over ideas for my next major challenge.

1 comment:

claudia said...

You might have to change your header message now to "watch Lisa achieve her goals!"
