Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Less than Four Weeks till Century Day

I'm in the home stretch - the Tri-Coast Seacoast Century is less than four weeks away! I like lists so it's time again to take stock of what I've done since I bought my road bike 15 weeks ago:

Total number of miles ridden to date: 940
Longest ride: 62
Average weekly miles: 62
Hours on the bike: 63
Towns ridden through: 17
Number of rides solo: 35
Number of rides with company: 5
Number of near misses with a car: 1
Number of times lost: 3
Number of pounds lost: 8
Other body changes: a lot less wiggle on my lower half, stronger back and arms

Two remaining goals to complete before Century Day:

Total number of training miles: >1,100
Longest ride: >70

My fear for many weeks was that I'd be the last one crossing the finish line on Century Day, but I'm guessing I don't have to worry about that one any more.

1 comment:

Marcia said...

Lisa, I'm so proud of you and what you have accomplished. Every time I read your blog, I'm smiling. I was talking yesterday with a partner I work with about you (I felt like a proud mom!)- he rode this year for the first time in the PanMass (he did the one day). I'm loving your stories and, of course, your pictures. And, I'm in total agreement that you will not be at the end of the pack on Century Day!