Since I like beginnings, middles and ends, I've decided I need to call an official end to my biking season for 2008.
I haven't been on my bike in 5 weeks (since November 2) for a variety of reasons - some legitimate, some not. So this weekend, my husband packed my bike safely away for the winter and I'm calling it a season.
Total miles for 2008:
1,430It would have been nice to make it to 1,500 miles or more but I was a newbie and I didn't start until mid May. Maybe that can be one of my goals for next year.
Here's my end of season picture in the cool racing jacket that I got as a gift from our friend,
Doug. I wanted to get a pic of me wearing it while I was actually
biking, but it just didn't happen. Maybe next year....

Until then, I'm officially switching to running for the winter. Depending on the weather and my motivation level, we'll see how it goes...